Salon 2:  Is Erasmus for All?

Salon 2: Is Erasmus for All?

March 18, 2023

Date: 3rd May 2023 from 18:00-19:30.

Venue: ESN/EUF Office. Rue Joseph II / Jozef II-straat 120 1000 Brussels, Belgium

The European University Foundation is moderating the 2nd Erasmus+ Salon on the topic of inclusion, notably tackling the question of socio-economic criteria that can make Erasmus+ truly for all. The ESNsurvey 2021 shows that over 52% of respondents cover less than 50% of their living costs with the Erasmus+ grant. We will debate on the relevance of the current grant calculation mechanisms and initiatives underway to come up with novel approaches aimed at making Erasmus+ truly for all. 

Attendance is free. Please register here until 1st May 2023.